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A common condition, carpal tunnel syndrome is a result of pressure to the median nerve.

Many people think of carpal tunnel syndrome when they think of pain, tingling, or numbness in the hands. A common condition, carpal tunnel syndrome is a result of pressure to the median nerve. This nerve is responsible for the feeling in your thumbs and fingers apart from the pinky. Repetitive hand motions, health issues, and wrist anatomy can contribute to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. The carpel tunnel is located on the palm side of our hands and is a narrow path made of bone and ligament.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – What are the signs and symptoms?

Symptoms of carpal tunnel can include tingling, burning, numbness, or weakness in the arm. Your fingers may feel swollen, and you may also experience pain or tingling in the forearm and shoulder, or a shocking sensation in the thumb and fingers. Your grip and ability to pinch may also be affected over time if the condition worsens. You may also start dropping things more often due to weakened muscles or numbness, have difficulty picking up small objects, or find it difficult to make a fist. If left untreated or if your case is more severe, you can also lose muscle at the base of the thumb.  Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can often begin at night because many people sleep with bent wrists. As the condition progresses, your symptoms may appear throughout the day during activities that involve bending the wrist, such as driving a car or holding a phone. Carpal tunnel syndrome is also more common in women than in men.

Should I see a doctor about carpal tunnel syndrome?

Getting treatment as early as possible for carpal tunnel syndrome can make a big difference in how long it will take to recover. You should contact your doctor if your symptoms persist on a regular basis. Seeking treatment early on can help you to avoid the need for surgery. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by other health issues such as thyroid problems, obesity, certain medications, rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy, birth control, amyloidosis, arthritis, ligament damage, neuropathy, wrist injuries, and diabetes. To reduce your risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome, you can relax your grip, watch your form, improve your posture, and keep your hands warm if they get stiff in colder environments.

Talk to your doctor about treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome. Treatment can include wrist braces, corticosteroids, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medication. Surgery is also a treatment option when non-surgical treatments do not provide relief.

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