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If broken bones are not properly treated it can lead to long term complications.

When you break your ankle, you may suffer from one or multiple fractures. There are three bones that make up the ankle joint – the tibia, the fibula, and the talus. If broken bones are not properly treated it can lead to long term complications that can affect your everyday life. Broken ankles are often caused by rotational injuries or high force impacts. Ligaments can also be injured during ankle fractures, and torn or damaged ligaments can greatly affect the stability of your ankle.

What are the different types of ankle fractures?

Your ankle can fracture in several different ways due to the number of bones. Ankle fractures can be nondisplaced or displaced. Displaced fractures occur when fractured parts of the bone become separated or misaligned. Nondisplaced fractures occur when the bones of ankle are broken but remain in their correct alignment. The most common types of ankle fractures are lateral malleolus fractures and bimalleolar ankle fractures.

Will your broken ankle require surgery?

The type of treatment required for a broken ankle will vary based on the location and severity of the fracture. A healthcare provider will perform a history and physical examination. X-rays are the most common imaging modality to evaluate for ankle fractures. These imaging tests will confirm your diagnosis and rule out other conditions such as sprains. Not all broken ankles need surgery. Less severe ankle fractures can be treated with walking boots, splints, or cast immobilization. For more severe fractures, such as those where the bones, surgery may be required to restore proper alignment and reduce the risk of ankle instability or post-traumatic ankle arthritis down the road.

What is recovery like after surgery?

The recovery process for broken ankles treated with surgery depends on the severity of the fracture. The healing process can take longer if other ligaments or soft tissues are damaged from the break. You will likely be instructed not to put weight on the ankle during this time and to keep your leg elevated. If x-rays show that the bone has healed properly after this period, you will then attend physical therapy and may be able to start putting weight back on the ankle. Depending on the severity of your injury, it can take several months to return to normal daily activities and possibly longer to return to sports. Follow your doctor’s and physical therapist’s recommendations for the best outcome!

How can I learn more about ankle fractures?

Learn about aankle fractures from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Make an appointment with our practice to discuss your options.

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