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Categories: Blog, Featured, News



The Impact of Running on Your Body

With its moderate temperatures and beautiful foliage, fall is a great time to lace up your running shoes and hit the road.  Running can be great exercise and good stress relief and can work wonders for your physical and mental health.  It is a great way to build stamina and increase your bone and joint strength while decreasing your risk of cardiovascular disease by positively influencing your blood pressure and circulation. Studies have also shown that running regularly helps protect the body against osteoarthritis later on.

While running can have a positive impact on your body, it can also cause a lot of wear and tear as well.  Common leg injuries related to running include rolled ankles, stress fractures, and shin splints. Running is also known to be particularly tough on your knees and below you will find two of the most common injuries experienced by runners.

Iliotibial Band (IT) Syndrome

The tendon-like iliotibial band helps with hip rotation and knee stabilization and runners who experience ITBS will often feel pain that starts on the side of the knee and then moves up through the thigh.  It can usually be treated with physical therapy and strength training and surgery is rarely needed to achieve a full recovery.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Unlike ITBS which begins on the side of the knee, PFPS begins on the front of the knee. Also known as runner’s knee, PFPS is caused by the misalignment of the knee cap (patella) as it glides over the top of the knee. It is usually linked to a weakness in the hamstrings and/or quads.  It is usually treated by physical therapy and orthotic inserts.

How to Prevent Injuries When Running

Listen to your body.

When you are running, it is imperative that you listen to the signs that your body is trying to give you.   If you feel like you are pushing it too hard, you likely are.  It is important to slow down at the beginning so you don’t cause long-term injury.

Warm-up and cool down properly.

The way that you start and end your workout is just as important as what you do during it.  Make sure to warm up before you start a run and when you finish, give yourself plenty of time to stretch.

Make sure to cross-train.

While running is an excellent workout,  it is important that you do exercises that will help build and strengthen the other parts of your body as well. Otherwise, you risk developing a muscle imbalance that could cause issues later on.  Some good exercises to do include squats and lunges which can help strengthen your hips.  If your joints are in need of a break from the heavy pounding that you experience when running, you can also switch to cycling, running, or swimming.

Need help?

If you have recently experienced a running-related injury, don’t hesitate to give us a call. It is important to identify the cause of your pain early to prevent further injury. Our team of skilled professionals will be happy to set up a treatment plan for you and get you on the road to recovery.

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