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Categories: Blog, News



Tennis elbow is a common issue where the muscles in your forearm and near your elbow become strained due to overuse.

Clinically known as lateral epicondylitis, tennis elbow is a common issue where the muscles in your forearm and near your elbow become strained due to overuse. Tiny tears and inflammation can develop along the outside of your elbow which can lead to pain, especially when you are moving. The name is a bit of a misnomer as although you can get tennis elbow from playing tennis, any type of activity that leads to overuse of your elbow joint can cause it. It can even happen if you have knocked or banged your elbow against something.

Who can get tennis elbow?

Anyone who repeatedly uses their elbow joint can suffer from tennis elbow. This includes not just athletes but also plumbers, carpenters, and painters.

How can you treat tennis elbow?

Although it can be pretty uncomfortable, it is relatively easy to treat tennis elbow. You first need to limit the movement that is causing the pain. You can then apply ice packs to help reduce inflammation and ease pain (frozen peas work great for this!) or take a mild painkiller.

Should I go to see a doctor?

While most cases tend to get better on your own, if you continue to experience discomfort, you may then want to consider going to physiotherapy. A doctor may also suggest an MRI or ultrasound or perform a series of simple, non-invasive tests to rule out any potential nerve damage. If you have recently begun experiencing elbow pain that is not getting better, give us a call and one of our hand and wrist specialists will be happy to take a look!

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