Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
The Mobility Bone & Joint Institute’s board-certified physicians and surgeons have worked with athletes’ orthopaedic issues for over 30 years.
Patients trust our team to diagnose and treat injuries from all types of physical activity, from long-distance running to neighborhood scrimmages. Youth, high school, college and elite athletes have achieved maximum results due to the winning combination of our top physicians, access to comprehensive care and use of the latest technology.
Because so many of our physicians and surgeons are also athletes—skiers, hockey players and hikers, among others—they understand the effects injury and downtime can have on performance. They know athletes want to be back at their personal best as soon as possible.
We take the time to ensure all aspects of diagnosis, treatment and recovery result in optimal outcomes, whether the patient is a child, teen, high-level athlete or weekend warrior.
Our physicians and surgeons take a conservative approach to treatment, exhausting all non-surgical options before recommending surgery. In addition, we help patients better understand their conditions, educate them on causes and teach them corrections to prevent future injury.
The Mobility Bone & Joint Institute offers excellent access and availability. Contact us today or call us at (978) 794-1946 or (603) 898-2244 to set up your appointment with one of our specialists, or take advantage of our walk-in clinic in Haverhill and Andover Monday–Friday, 8am–12pm and 1–3pm.