Hip Flexor Tendinitis

Understanding Your Condition

What is hip flexor tendonitis?

Hip flexor tendonitis, also known as psoas tendonitis, iliopsoas tendonitis, and psoas syndrome, occurs when the common tendon of the iliacus and the psoas muscles, known as the iliopsoas tendon, become inflamed. The iliopsoas tendon aids in the flexing of the hip, moving the knees toward the chest. With hip flexor tendonitis the iliopsoas tendon become inflamed, causing pain and discomfort.

What are the causes and symptoms of hip flexor tendonitis?

Causes of hip flexor tendonitis often include minor injuries to the affected area caused by repetitive movements and overuse. It can also be caused by acute trauma. This condition most often occurs when the patient engages in a new type of sport or exercises such as cycling and running. Workouts that cause kicking, squatting or jumping can contribute to the development of hip flexor tendonitis if the muscles are continuously overused.

Symptoms of hip flexor tendonitis include clicking sounds in the hip and pain in the front of the hip when walking, running, kicking, or completing minor activities such as getting out of a chair or putting on socks. This condition can also cause groin pain that can radiate to the anterior hip or thigh.

How is hip flexor tendinitis diagnosed and treated?

In order to properly diagnose hip flexor tendonitis, a doctor or physician assistant will take a comprehensive history and conduct a physical examination. The provider may also obtain imaging such as x-rays or MRIs in order to confirm the diagnosis and rule out any other conditions that could be causing the symptoms.

Treatment for hip flexor tendonitis is primarily non-surgical in nature. These treatments include limiting the activities causing the tendonitis, anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and gradual return to sport or activity. Cortisone injections may also be administered in order to reduce inflammation. Make an appointment with the expert surgeons at Mobility Bone & Joint Institute to discuss your options.

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